Php Full Stack Developer

Php Full Stack Developer

Are you Looking Best Institute for Php Full Stack Developer in Noida? CPC offers classes with live project by the expert trainer.

Course Description

The PHP Full Stack Development Course in Mohali, Vizag and Hyderabad has been designed to cater to the growing demand of backend developers in the digital era. As part of the course, students are trained to code using PHP, My SQL, Bootstrap, Python, Angular Java, AJAX, Dreamweaver, and more. The PHP course aims to provide sound theoretical knowledge along with the required practice to build, test and secure websites and web applications.

Important: PHP full stack web developer training course is a program to train students on writing server-side web application logic. The course also trains individuals to build efficient PHP/full stack modules, solve complex website architectural challenges, build APIs and back-end integration of data storage solutions.

What you'll learn
  • Al-In-One HTML/HTML5 AndCSS/CSS3Suite
  • Applying DesignstoWireFrameswith HTML5and CSS3
  • BuildingResponsiveWebsites withHTML5and CSS3
  • HTML5and CSS3SiteDesign
  • MakeHTML5Gameswith No Coding Required
  • Understanding HTML5Input Types
  • Website Wireframingwith HTML5and CSS3
  • JavaScriptfor BeginningWeb Developers
  • Fundamentals ofjQuery
  • Fundamentals ofAjaxDevelopment
  • Create a node.jsReal Time ChatApplication
  • AdvancedJavaScript
  • Introduction to PHP
  • Decisions and loop
  • Function
  • Array
  • Handling Html Form with Php
  • Working with file and Directories
  • Session and Cookie
  • Database Connectivity with MySQL
  • Exception Handling
  • SQL
  • RationalDatabases
  • SQLQuerying
  • Your FirstQueries
  • FilteringYourResults
  • Consolidating YourData
  • GroupingYourData
  • Joining Table
  • Subqueries
  • Manipulating YourData
  • TransactionControl
  • CreatingDatabase ObjectsAndAdding Business Logic