Course Description
The way this course have been structured and created is made to really help you learn and understand all the basics of this programming language. From the starting point where you will be installing the right tools and writing you first basic lines of code to the more advanced such as functions, statements, loops and many pratical projects, this course has everything you need to start programming in C++ and begin your programmation journey. Also, this course has been created to help you learn all the basics concepts that are the core of C++ programmation.
Important:this course is built around a very simple but effective logic that is learning by practice. In other words, this course is definely not theoritical even if it contains some theoritical concepts. Indeed, this course is build on a logic of learning by practice. In other words, you will find various C++ exercices all over the course to help you master this programming language and achieve your end goal of learning how to program is C++.
What you'll learn
- Introduction to C++
- Number Systems
- Basic Printing
- Variables and Data types
- Arithmetic Operations
- Importance of inclusion of header file
- Compilation Process
- Taking input from the user
- Other operators
- Operator Precedence
- Data Typecasting
- Combining multiple conditions
- Ternary and switch statement
- Problems on conditions
- Problems on loops
- Break and continue
- Pattern Printing Basic Problems
- Function declaration and definition
- Global and local variables
- What is int main()
- Various inbuilt functions
- Incorrect swap function
- What is a variable in terms of memory?
- Address of a variable
- Introduction to Pointers
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pass by reference and pass by value
- Functions and pointers (Correct swap function)
- Double pointers
- Array declaration
- Array elements accessing and modification
- Linear Search
- Arrays as argument to functions
- Implementation of Dynamic Array class
- Implementation of C++ lower_bound