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  • April 07, 2023
  • Java, Packages

What is Packages in Java?

In Java, a package is a collection of related classes, interfaces, and sub-packages that provide a way to organize and modularize code. Packages make it easier to manage and maintain large code bases by separating code into logical groups. In this article, we will discuss how to create and use packages in Java.

Creating a Package
To create a package in Java, you need to use the package keyword followed by the name of the package at the beginning of the source file. For example, the following code creates a package called "com.example":

                                    package com.example;
This code should be placed at the top of all Java source files in the package. All classes and interfaces in this file will be part of the "com.example" package.

Using a Package

To use a package in Java, you need to import it into your source code using the import keyword. For example, to use the "com.example" package, you would add the following line to your source file:

                                    import com.example.*;

This line imports all the classes and interfaces in the "com.example" package. Sub-packages can be created within a package to further organize and modularize code. To create a sub-package, you simply include the sub-package name in the package declaration. For example, the following code creates a sub-package called "utils" within the "com.example" package:

                                    package com.example.utils;
This code should be placed at the top of all Java source files in the "utils" sub-package.


In conclusion, packages provide a way to organize and modularize code in Java. By separating code into logical groups, packages make it easier to manage and maintain large code bases. To create a package in Java, use the package keyword followed by the name of the package at the beginning of the source file. To use a package in Java, import it into your source code using the import keyword. Sub-packages can be created within a package to further organize and modularize code.